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Service Quality Inquiries – 2nd Quarter 2014


Analysis concluded:

- As a result of our commercial positioning, the majority of rentals (plus 90%) results of "Roadside Assistance" and "Acidents".
Also as a result of this arrangement, more than 50% of drivers resorted for the first time Turiscar’ services, in the last year.

- The service provided by the Offices (OUT and IN), particularly on the issues of 'Customer' and 'Speed', the results show satisfaction ratings in Very Good and Good for the majority of respondents (over 93%).
The level of satisfaction, either in delivery or the return of the vehicle even increase during this quarter. The service is slightly faster in the Office In, because, in terms of procedures it’s for itself a little faster.

- About the Reservation Center, we underscore the evolution of the answers during the quarter. 'Customer': 92.5% in April to 98.2% in June in the items Very Good and Good.
Following the same the answers about the 'Speed ​​of service' ranged from 92.6% in the first month of the quarter and 96.9% in the last one. These results come on the same line of the previous quarter and reflect the necessary strengthening of the team, however remedied with the integration of a new employee.
We understand that this measure proved very positive and contributed to the improvement of service.

- The issue of Quality of vehicles, and following the observed in the previous quarter, has become relevant but now with a very positive development. In fact, the percentage of respondents who stood their options in Very Good and Good is always above 81%, however it increase 7% in positively valuing answers during the quarter. These results are related with fleet renewal, with the entry of new vehicles in different segments. We anticipate the trend of increased satisfaction in this item in the next quarter.

- About Cleaning/ Vehicle conditions concluded a percentage of responses in Very Good and Good above 91%. The first month reveal a slightly lower than the previous quarter, the evolution over the three months is indicative of a substantial improvement in the level of service, passing to 95%.

Finally, in line with the analysis of all the items individually, overall, the service provided by Turiscar is understood as Very Good and Good by 94.8% of respondents (on average) - similar to the previous quarter and slightly higher than 2013, and the position goes from 91.3% in April to 96.8% in June.

These results indicate the suitability of the service provided with the purposes of Turiscar and what we have set about Quality. Continuous improvement of the procedures is a constant issue so that we can respond ever more positively to the expectations of our customers.